Are you Ready to Unleash your Personal Power?


Douglas Vermeeren — Personal Power Mastery

Are you ready to unleash your Personal Power?

By Sabine Trudeau

Douglas Vermeeren is known for his inspirational Personal Power Mastery program, (or PPM for short) is changing lives. This program is unique from many others, as it moves people to evolve to a higher level of thinking, activity and habit that in the end creates amazing results and possibility.

As a young man, Douglas Vermeeren wanted and desired a different life working harder and smarter by what he had observed within his family growing up. He believed that he would be successful but didn’t know how.

He tried everything he could to make ends meet and escape the rat race. But no matter what he tried things stayed the same.

Then a shift occurred. Doug has accepted a summer job while in college selling pest control door-to-door. It was hard and discouraging work and the results were minimal. He decided that maybe it was time to try something else and was just about to give his notice when a miracle occurred.

A friend gave him two books that changed his life: Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill and How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie. These books led to an epiphany of learning that changed everything.

Realization number one: There was another way of achieving what he envisioned for himself and that success was possible.

Realization number two: To become more successful you need to learn the patterns and strategies of those who have achieved what you want to accomplish.

As a result, over the last several decades Douglas Vermeeren embarked on a mission to learn directly from the worlds top achievers. He sought out top business leaders, athletes, celebrities, top thought leaders and more. He pled with them to teach him their methods and strategies for success. They did. Never since the days of Napoleon Hill has anyone conducted such an extensive study of top achievers.

And the good news it that these success patterns and systems of success are now available to you in the Personal Power Mastery Success Program.

Personal. Power. Mastery. These three words are the heart, soul, mind, and title of his profoundly impactful program. Vermeeren explains that there is significance in each of these words for those who wish to create personal success. “Firstly you must make your success personal. No one can do the work for you. It is a matter of power and you must recognize your capacity to take action. And thirdly Mastery, which is not perfection but rather progression towards the outcomes you are seeking in your life.”

If you own it you can change it.

To create success you must begin by making it personal!

- Douglas Vermeeren

And having participated myself in the event twice I have found valid reasons for it to be considered one of the most powerful seminars todays. If you are looking to create a shift in your life you will most likely experience it here.

Personal Power Mastery isn’t just a program to grow your life. The principles in the program carry over into family life, business life and growing abundance too. One fo the foundational principles that Vermeeren shares frequently through out the training is that in creating a successful life abundance must appear in all aspects of your life, not just your bank account.

The result have demonstrated just that. Students who have participated have seen their self esteem and self worth thrive, relationships flourish, business boom, freedom and opportunity appear and a multitude of other powerful results. This program is the real deal.

Many associations and institutions have endorsed Personal Power Mastery and granted continuing education credits for participating.

This program is very different than anything you may have experienced before

The Personal Power Mastery program shares may exclusive and unique insights that are missing from many of the top training programs in the world today. In fact, it has provided so much value and been so effective at getting results that it has been rated among the top 3 personal development programs in the marketplace today.

The Personal Power Mastery program has been changing life around the globe. Currently the program is being taught in North America, Europe, Africa and Asia.

Sections and highlights from the program will be appearing in a brand new book called, “Personal Power Mastery” coming out later this year through Panoma Press.

As a reviewer of personal development literature it is a rare thing to find so many other top thought leaders recognizing and recommending this volume. Some of the praise has been as follows:

Personal Power Mastery is a no-nonsense, experiential growth masterpiece that encourages you to make shifts in your beliefs. Making these shifts will create paradigm shifts in your life.”

- Bob Proctor, Author, Speaker and featured teacher in The Secret

“Douglas Vermeeren has hit this one out of the park. This Book is bound to become a classic in personal development literature. A must read if you want to improve your outcomes and shift from average to extraordinary performance in your life.” — Dr. Joe Vitale, Author of The Attract Factor, Zero Limits and featured teacher in The Secret

“Doug Vermeeren definitely knows what he’s talking about. He’s dynamic and wise and definitely worth listening to.” — Marci Shimoff, Author of Chicken Soup for the women’s Soul, Happy for no reason and featured teacher in The Secret

“Douglas Vermeeren is a great teacher and a visionary who is making a significant difference in the lives of people everywhere.” — Dr. John Demartini, International speaker, leadership and performance specialist and featured teacher in The Secret

“Doug is definitely destined to become one of this generations leaders in personal development.” — Bob Doyle, creator of the Wealth Beyond Reason program and featured teacher in The Secret

“Douglas Vermeeren has amazing gifts to bring your life to a whole other level. You will totally fall in love with him.” — Marie Diamond, Feng Shui expert and featured teacher in The Secret

“Douglas Vermeeren shares some powerful insights into success, achievement and the power you have within you in this dynamic book — Personal Power Mastery. If you want to achieve more and improve your outcomes do yourself a favour and read this book.” Dr. Greg Reid, Author and speaker — Think and Grow Rich Series

“When Doug speaks people Listen and learn and laugh and want more! — Morris “The Miracle Man” Goodman, Author, Speaker and featured teacher in The Secret

If you are looking for proven and effective strategies to take your personal power to a higher level then you will certainly want to check out this program. For more information on how you can participate in live or online programs go to: or or call toll free 1–877–393–9496 for more information.

As a side note as Personal Power Mastery expands around the globe they are also looking for speakers, coaches and trainers that would like to grow their own business by becoming a certified Personal Power Mastery trainer. This opportunity would allow you to share the highly acclaimed content and get paid to bring this powerful program to the world. Reach out for more information.

The book Personal Power Mastery will be in stores this summer or can be ordered directly through Panoma press.



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