Do this or you’ll work until you die.


Warren Buffet once said that, “If you don’t learn how to make money while you sleep you are destined to work until you die.”

Most people agree and know they need to do this but they are held back by a lack of knowledge.

They are also often stuck because they see others making passive income through MLM or online and think that is the only way. While these ways can work well for some they are by no means the only way. Recently I made a list of the various profitable passive income methods I have used or taught my students and we have come up with an enormous list of things that quite frankly anyone can do. You can do it too. Set a goal to start creating and stop hesitating.

And if you need help stay close there’s lots of free ideas and strategies that I will keep sharing and if you want to go deeper reach out and I’ll help you.

By the way todays photo is me in Manhattan. If you’ve never been there at this time of year it is beautiful.

#1passiveincomecoach #douglasvermeeren #makemoneywhileyousleep #cahsflow #millionairementor #



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