Don’t give out so many business cards and you’ll sell more! Learn to Sell or Die — Douglas Vermeeren


Do you really think that handing out your business card is your best strategy? We all know what happens next, your “prospect” is simply going to throw it in his pocket and it will either go through with the laundry or they’ll put it in a big stack of others cards with an elastic and they’ll forget about it for 6 months until they get back to it. At that point they’ll have forgotten who you are and either throw it out onto it for another 6 months and then throw it out. Sounds like a great way to generate sales… Not. There is a better way to do it.

The first suggest that I want to give is that you don’t hand ourt cards at all. If someone is interested in your busienss or your offering, YOU should be the one to ask for a card or contact informaiton. That puts you in control of the upcoming contact. Now you aren’t waiting for someone to find the time to reach you.

I encourage you to try this and see how many of the time wasters will identify themselves by either suddenly not having a card themselves, or be unqwilling to give you their contact info.

May I also suggest that just like you have a process set up for qualifying propsects for a sale you qualiy people to receive your business card. I know some people suggest you should give your business card to everyone. (And perhaps there are some industries where that works well) But if you spread your card everywhere as though it was cheap and available you are teaching people how to treat you and your business. Invest a little more effort to make the cards you hand out more valuable to your prospect.

Surprisingly as I have taught this to my students they have noticed that they aren;’t dealing with as many time wasting prospects and the quality of their cusotmers has risen dramatically. Give it a try and you’ll see what I mean.

#douglasvermeeren #learntosellordie #dontsuckatselling #sellmore #salestips #businesscardfail #1salestraining #1salestrainer #1salesspeaker #thesalessuccessacademy #sellingsuccess



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