Don’t make the wrong trade — #1 Passive Income coach
Income generally requires a trade. You trade your time, effort, freedom and inspiration. In other words when you are working at a job all of those things you trade are owned by your employer. One of the saddest cases of owning inspiration I think, comes from the life of Comic book legend Stan Lee. He created Spider-man, Thor, The Hulk, Fantastic Four and many others yet he owned none of them. He did not receive royalties. Some of the greatest creations that would have neared him millions in passive income yet they belong to an employer because he was involved in this trade. Just this tragic story alone makes me want to have more passive income in my life.
PAssive Income allows you retain your most precious gifts. Again these are : time, effort, freedom and inspiration.
Others must show up at work at a specific time and even when their work is done they have to stay until the clock hits 5 o’clock. That’s no way to live. And when you are sick you actually have to call in to ask someone if its okay for you to take a day. (I’ll give you an interesting insight. I am never sick because I never have to ask for a day. I get everyday and I believe its that lack of stress that keeps me from getting sick. I have never had to ask a boss if I can take some time for a family activity. Or even more fun… I can hop on a plane anytime for any reason and that really makes it easy to take advantage of last minute flight deals.
A passive Income lifestyle gives you back everythign you normally have to trade to meet your financial obligations. You don’t want to be caught int eh rat race. As Robert Kiyosaki says, “Even if you win the rat race — you’re still a rat.” Why would you want this?
Now here’s the kicker. Take another look at the picture with this article. There’s something very interesting about this picture and it’s not completely obvious jsut by looking at it. But its definitely worth pointing out. Are you ready for it?
In this picture I am making money. My version looks a look different than what many of you are currently experiencing. Reach out if you want to get started.
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