How are you creating your life?
Personal Power Mastery Moment By Douglas Vermeeren
You’ve heard the idea that people spend more time planning their summer vacations than they do planning for their life. It might sound like a funny idea if it weren’t closer to the truth than most people realize. The majority of people who even claim to be in charge of their lives still don’t take time to regularly plan and evaluate their lives. Their planning is most often sporadic and only spurred on by either outside events that force them to revaluate or a high inspiring moment that reminds them of what they are capable of.
If you are going to make powerful strides towards creating the success you want in your life a careful examination of your life and your activities in relationship to your goals must e a regular activity.
As I meet, interviewed and spend time with some of the worlds top achievers I was was quite surprised to see that each of them spend much careful time in meditation, pondering and careful thought about their present and future. (They didn’t waste a lot of time worrying about the past except to repeat successes or quickly learn from a mistake) Their time was also not spent wishing or wondering what they could do. It was actually productive thinking about why some thing would be important, how they might accomplish it and who they could reach out to for help.
It is important to point out that many of the gurus today encourage their supporters to learn to think big. While that is important I have found that often those who created lives of challenge, poverty and difficulty often tries to be big thinkers too. Big thinking alone doesn’t do it. The thinking that follows must be entered around execution and support for that execution.
One of the thoughts I often share in Personal Power Mastery is the concept you’ve heard that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. I want to share that room to heaven is to. The only difference between the people on the two roads is that those who make it to the better places tend to add execution to the their good intentions.
Over the year I have observed that that there are some additional steps required to bring what you think about into reality. Here’s the first consideration:
If you only think it you probably won’t do it.
If you plan it you might do it. Or do it for a while.
If you schedule it you will get it done.
If you want to actually shift your ideas from thoughts to reality in the real world the first thing you need to do is start scheduling when you will take action on what you have thought about.
The second consideration:
Why do people procrastinate? The answers are simple and there are two of them. Firstly, the task that they need to accomplish aren’t in line with their highest values. When people don’t have activities that are in line with what they value most they aren’t interested to do them. And secondly they need momentum. Often people procrastinate because the aren’t really sure what to do next. Build a schedule (interesting this is connected to the idea above) and start developing a pattern of habits so you know what needs to be done next. If you know what’s next you don’t have to procrastinate trying to figure it out.
Thirdly, Seek out support and accountability partners. When you have others helping you they can’t help you stay focused and even provide support for achieving your successes.
My challenge to you today is to spend some time in planning your life. Set aside a regular time to do this often. Keep a journal for it and be sure to translate your plans from thinking to a schedule. Get to work in really time to start making things happen and get some support.
#Douglasvermeeren #personalpowermastery #ppm #goalssetting #success #thoughtsbecomethings