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How willing are you? Personal Power Mastery Minute with Douglas Vermeeren
When we have a task to do we often focus primarily on the strategy. What will you do. While this is important it is only a part of the HOW the task will be done and an even smaller part that determines wether you will be success in the task or not.
To illustrate let me point out that there are different ways a task can be done, even if people are following exactly the same proceedure. Let’s say you needed to paint a fence. The rules for painting are pretty straight forward and cannot really be redeisgned. At its most basic, You put your brush in paint — you put it on the face. Right?
But the attitude with which you do this activity can change dramatically depending on the person doing the work. I have seen those who in fact are not motivated at all and they procrastinate. They don’t even gert started. They don’t pick up the brush, they complain, they look for ways to hestitate and drag their heels. This is the lowest form of attitude. In my upcoming book, The Willingness Factor, I call this level Inaction.
Just higher than this are people who will begin the task but they will do it grudgingly. They complain, the hold back from real effort, the doddle and take their time for the sake of killing time. Also not very productive. I call this leverl The Grudge.