Passive Income allows you to seek out adventure
That was a fun day as I stood for the first time on the Great Wall of China. I never eer thought I would see this place live growing up. It just wasn’t a possibility given the financial circumstances I had come from. We were broke and the closest I ever came to this kind of adventure was borrowing books from teh Public library.
That day however I realized how much Passive Income had changed my life. It literally opened the doors to adventure for me.
Now as I stood on the Great Wall I had another epiphany.
You can see from the picture that The Great Wall goes on for miles and miles, stretching over hills and mountains further than the eye can see. SOme have even said that The Great Wall is the largest manmade object on earth — even visible from outer space.
Here’s the epiphany. As I stood on the Great Wall I looked down a tmy feet and saw that the entire Wall was made up of small bricks. It was then that I realized that the reason why most people never build financial freedom through passive income is that they look for the big payoff. (The Wall) and they neglect how the wall is built. (Small bricks.)
The lesson don’t neglect starting with small passive income streams. Recognize that you will need to build several small streams to create your life of financial freedom.
Passive Income allows you to step out from behind a desk or a job and LIVE! Our planet has so many amazing things to see and do. Most people will never have the chance to explore even a fraction of it.
You don’t want that to be you. Seize the day, embark one the exciting journey which is life! And that opportunity can become your daily life through Passive Income!
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