Member-only story

Predictable Millionaire™ — What do you really want?


What do you really want? The answer to this question is the best predictor of whether or not you will become wealthy. The reality is that wealth is not about the “Have and Have Nots” but rather the WILL or WILL NOTs.

The reality is very few unmotivated people have ever become wealthy. At least there certainly aren’t any self-made millionaires that got there by accident. The choice to be a millionaire isn’t a one time decision. It is something that you must want bad enough to remake that decision every day and stay focused even when things are difficult.

Those who are stuck on the poverty pattern find themselves there most often because they are comfortable. Comfortable never has the power to create change. The reality is that if you want to achieve millionaire status you must become a different person than you currently are.

I was once asked “How long does it take the average person to become a millionaire?” The answer is simple. “Average people don’t become millionaires.”

If you want to reach higher levels of wealth and financial success you will have to make several significant changes. The ability to make and keep these commitments will be a direct result o how bad you want to arrive at this destination. It never happens randomly. It will be a reflection of your decisions and…



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