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Certified Entrepreneur Coach™ — What is Success?
I had someone today ask me what I thought the definition of success was. What do you think of my answer? When I conducted my research of over 400 of the world’s top achievers we found that true success is expressed in two aspects. Firstly, Success requires a specific level of achievement that you can actually clearly identify (achievement) and secondly it also requires an emotional component expressing How you feel about that achievement : (Fulfillment) Both are required for success.
Achievement without fulfillment is empty. Fulfillment without achievement cannot happen. Ancient greek philosopher Socrates pointed out correctly that human satisfiaction and happiness requires a sense of progress. Progres by definition requires achievement. Fulfillment comes when the progress or achievement you are making is according to what emotionally excites you. Success is not an accident. And feelings of success can only happen and be sustained by creating both achievement and fulfillment.
In addition, we also charted all of the goals that were expressed by that 400 top achievers and also every student through my programs ever since I started teaching Personal Power Mastery (about 35,000 people) We found that all goals and desires for success can be categorized into 5 major areas. Success also requires a reasonable level of balance in these 5 areas. If you are missing one you will never feel totally successful regardless of how much you progress in the other areas.
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