Why YOU need to Grow! Personal Power Mastery

Why you need to choose to grow!

Personal Power Mastery Moment By Douglas Vermeeren

Why do you want to grow? Well, simply put you need to become more before you can have more. I could’ve actually stopped this entire article right there. That is it. That is the bottom line. If you choose to stay stagnant and still you can never have or become more than you currently are. In fact, you can’t even have that. Because the moment you stop growing you are automatically in a state of decay.

The world around us is growing at a rapid pace and anyone or anything that stands still in the midst of progress is automatically going backwards.

Growth is a deliberate choice. And so is standing still. Because everything around us is moving both of these options require commitment and effort. Standing still may not seem like a lot of effort and maybe it isn’t upfront. But it always comes with consequences and thats where the effort really appears. I have met people who have stood still so long that they created financial emergencies, relationship emergencies, employment emergencies and even health emergencies. When we stand still the world around us will eventually waken us from our sleep with bad news or challenge. Standing still never creates a positive situation. You get to be subject to everything around you when all along you thought you were playing by your own rules.

Choosing growth puts you in a position to be ahead of the world. You decide where you will go and what you will be, and because you are growing you will also have a greater understanding of your options long before your moments of decision arrive. You will become more valuable to yourself and others. And when you are more value you have valuables added to you in the form of financial abundance, better relationships, opportunities and recognition.

Grow is a deliberate choice as I have said before. But it is not enough to simply say I WILL GROW. A declaration is a nice intention. As I have taught seminars on growth around the world I have seen many people with good intentions who have made bold declarations of what hey will do and won’t do. Most o fate time they stick with these commitments for a few weeks and then things go back to normal.

When people think or dream — they often do nothing.

When they plan — they do a little bit more, but only so long as they are motivated.

When they schedule — they do it regularly.

So here’s my challenge to you — Make a deliberate plan for growth. Schedule it and then stick to the schedule. Actually carve out time for your growth.

What should you do to grow? we will talk in the future about something called the Law of Probability. This is actually the formula all top achievers use to get to their goals and create the outcomes that they desire. For today I’m simply going to say that growth comes from four things.

1)The people you surround yourself with. Mentors, coaches and people who influence you to level up are who you want to spend time with here. Who are these people? And put it in your schedule as to when you will go meet them and spend time with them. And if you don’t know them yet make a plan and then schedule how and when it will be done.

2) What you know. You can learn from so many avenues today. I still like books. But I also learn from youtube videos, online articles, seminars, online training and more. every month I read between 10 -30 books and this is one of my favorites. Take some time to find you best learning style and then schedule learning time each day.

3) Where are you going? Experience can teach a lot. experience in the right location can teach even more. Where can you go to learn more and grow in what you are trying to do. One of the most powerful lessons I learned from the top achievers I interviewed was that most of them were not given a job in the field or industry they became a part of. But they took a job, or created on, as close to it as they could get. As they learned from being int he right place doors opened up to get them what they wanted. actively going out and getting close to the things you want to learn about will open up doors of possibility faster than nearly anything you can imagine.

4) The last point is really frequency and consistency. The more frequently and consistently you schedule your learning the faster you will progress. And it you don’t you won’t.

That’s it. Now get your planner out or your calendar or whatever you use to keep track of your life and make some commitments. Remember you will never have more until you become more.

#douglasvermeeren #dougvermeeren #personalpowermastery #stretch #grow #becomemore #expandwhoyouare #levelup

